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Ali Adan Ali

Dr. Ali Adan Short Bio

Dr. Ali Adan Ali is Senior Lecturer/Senior Research Fellow at the School of Education and Social Sciences Umma University. Immediate past, he was Registrar Research, Innovation and Outreach Affairs Umma University. Dr. Ali graduated with a PhD. in Environmental and Biosystem Engineering from University of Nairobi in 2009 and Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from Denmark Technical University in 2002 and hold Diploma in Applied Chemistry from former Kenya Polytechnic (now Technical University of Kenya in 1997). Dr. Ali attended specialized training in environmental management in the tropics, a programme supported by Danish Universities Consortia for Environment and Development with industry under DANIDA while at Denmark Technical University. He also attended a number of training in grants proposal writing at various universities and institutions locally and internationally. Dr. Ali has worked with National Museums of Kenya from 1998 to 2014, where he rose from Research Technician to Senior Research Scientist. He also attended specialized training in environmental journalism at Daystar University Nairobi, which was sponsored by SIDA. Further, Dr. Ali attended Disaster prevention and preparedness training at the Kenya School of Government Nairobi. Without doubt, Dr. Ali possess rich knowledge in heritage science, environmental science, biodiversity conservation, climate change and disaster management. He is a registered environmental consulting scientist with National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) for over 20 years and practicing member of Environment Institute of Kenya (EIK). He has also supervised and mentored many Masters and PhD students as an associate lecturer at the Institute of Climate Change and Adaptation, University of Nairobi, Tangaza University College of CUEA and Garissa University. Dr. Ali is an External Examiner of School of Pure and Applied Sciences Garissa University. Dr. Ali is blessed with rich wealth of knowledge, skills and experiences. He has authored various scientific communications and papers in the peered reviewed journals and participated in a number of conferences, workshops and seminars. Dr. Ali has been part of various consulting firms that formulated national and county policies in environment, state of environment report, environmental profile, climate change, water, waste, disaster and educational improvements. He is currently leading Muslim-Christian Engagements for Social Transformation under Interreligious Dialogue with Tangaza University College of CUEA, ward community development initiatives and management of Ipomoea Invasive species in Kajiado County with CABI Africa. Further, Dr. Ali was a Research Project Leader for Mapping the Terrain Advancing Education in Muslim Societies (AEMS) Research Project of International Institute of Islamic Thought (USA) in Kenya in 2018-2020.

His earlier researches involved investigating the barriers of adapting sustainable solid waste management, and integrated water resources management to climate change from inter-institutional network perspectives. His current research interests span across a wide interdisciplinary area of Islam and environmental science, climate change, food security, water, waste management, community support systems, and interreligious dialogue and social transformation for peace building and sustainable development. Dr. Ali Adan is a founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Africa Centre for Health, Environment and Water Services.

He can be reached at +254722961233 email: or  

Dr. Ali Adan has been ESIA Lead Expert for the following road projects.

  1. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies for Lot 39 Comprising of Road Projects in Bungoma County comprising of the following roads project: –
    1. Lwakhakha- Korrosiondet- Tulienge- Sirisia- Namwela Chwele Road Project.
  • Kapsokwony- Kopsiro- Namwela/Malinda- Cheptais- Chepkube Road Project.
    • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report for Lot 57 Road Projects in Uasin Gishu, Elgeyo Marakwet And Trans Nzoia Counties for the following roads project: –
      • Naiberi-Sergoit-Moiben and Marura- Koitoror Loop Road Projects.
      • Soy- Kipsanguui- Kabenes and Eldoret- Kiplombe- Soy Road Projects.
      • Moiben- Cheborowa- Kapcherop- Kachibora Road Project.
    • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies for Lot 62 Comprising of Road Projects in Nyeri County for the following roads project: –
      • Marua- State Lodge, Ruthagati-mahigaini, Hohwe Dam- Karogoto, Kieni- Hiriga- Kiamariga and Ndunduini- Kwa Wambui- Karandi Roads.
      • Hohwe Dam (A2)- Thaithi- Kiangoma- Karogoto (D430)- Ndimaini (River Sagana)- Jcn E560- Gathagana- & Karindundu- D430- Mung’etho Roads.
      • Ihwa- Ihururu/ Gachatha – Ndungamano- Gura Roads.
      • Thaara- Gakindu Roads
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report for Lot 58 Road Projects in Uasin Gishu And Trans Nzoia Counties for the following roads project: –
    • Moi’s Bridge- Moiben River- Makutano & Moiben River- Kaplamai- Sibanga- Maili Saba- Bwayi- Maili Kumi Na Moja Roads Project.
  • b.    Moi’s Bridge- Kachibora & Tuigoin- Chepterit- Barsombe- Kipsigilai Roads Project.
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Studies for Kiutune-

Kinna- Garbatulla Road Project in Isiolo And Meru Counties

  1. Kiutune-Kinna- Garbatulla Section.
    1. Murera Gate Meru National Park.